• shane@countryexec.com
  • Seguin, Texas

Are Great Social Leaders Derived From Nature Or Nurture?

Have you ever worked for a manager that was memorable? Perhaps someone that changed your life for the better, someone that believed in and motivated you to grow professionally? If great leaders were born of nature versus nurture? Ever wonder how that individual became so influential? Someone that could infuse their thoughts and experience in a meaningful capacity directly into […]

Do You Know The Essential Value Of Downtime?

A couple of weeks back my wife and two of our four dogs took off to the beautiful Texas coast town of Port Aransas for a few days. We had a vacation planned in May to Seven Mile Beach in Grand Cayman that was of course canceled due to the pandemic. Prior to that planned vacation it had been a […]

Awesome Professional Growth Strategy That Will Guide You Through Rejection

Navigating the day to day hurdles in the average adult life can be exhausting. Throw in kids, spouses, bosses, responsibilities, a pandemic, and it can be downright brutal. If you’re striving for professional growth that can mean additional taskings on top of everyday work taking actions to help you stand out among peers. Or maybe it’s the classes you’re pursuing to earn that degree or certification in helping you arrive […]

How To Leverage Gratitude To Adopt An “I Get To” Mindset

After months of seemingly never-ending work projects interwoven with the Covid-19 pandemic, I welcomed the extended Labor Day weekend with open arms. I took some much-needed downtime with the extra day off, spent time in nature with Mrs. Country Exec, relaxed, and took my old raggedy Jeep for a spin in the beautifully scenic part of Texas I am fortunate […]

10 Professional Attributes That Will Elevate Your Career

Occasionally when speaking to the journey that has led me to where I am today, I am asked how my career came to be what it is. It has been a fun, wild ride. Full of adventure defined by taking chances that shaped me as an adult and embracing experiences beyond the status quo of how I was raised. This […]

Believe You Have More To Offer

Recently I’ve been watching The Last Dance on Netflix, the story about the final championship run of the Michael Jordan era Chicago Bulls in the late 90’s. It’s amazing viewing. While I was never a fan of Jordan or basketball in general, I have become a fan almost twenty years after his career ended through learning about his determination and […]

Blueprint To Leverage Thought Provocation For Professional Growth

If you have worked for or around me over the past several years you’ve undoubtedly heard numerous quotes expressed within a professional context. Some poignant, others probably not so much. I am drawn to thought provoking phrases to the degree that for years I have kept a running list of favorite excerpts that have resonated with me by way of […]

Career Ownership, A Life Journey, And Professional Success

Note: This is an article I recently wrote for a local government organization, I wanted to share it here as well. I was posed a question to compare and contrast private industry versus local government employment. For that reason I briefly touched on my time in the Air Force to get straight to my first private position. Please note my […]

Professional Independence: The Right Navigation For Success

As I am enjoying an extended weekend for the 4th of July and taking advantage of a perfect opportunity to take a break from the Texas summer heat and ruminate inside converting thoughts to words, my mind has been drifting to professional independence and what it means on a personal level. I am fortunate to have been born in this […]

IronGAINS Fitness Tracking: Outstanding Workout App Review

Fitness is an essential part of my life. For me it’s more than the physical aspect of building muscle and taking care of my health. Working out is my therapy. I have clarity and do my best thinking when pushing weight around. It is the only time I feel that I truly have to myself each day. A few years […]