I’ve long been a fan of Fitbit. According to my Amazon purchase history that fandom goes back to 2016 when I bought my first Fitbit Charge. Two years later I upgraded to the Charge 2, a couple of years after that it was the Charge 4. True to form, after another couple of years I recently took advantage of the […]
Country IT: A New Mindset For Definitive Technology Success
Here’s something not everyone can lay claim too. I conceived a phrase, a way of being in a professional context. Yet another oddity in my professional existence. I am particularly proud of my creation as I believe it defines me and who I am as a professional incredibly well in just two simple words. That phrase is Country IT. That’s it. […]
IronGAINS Fitness Tracking: Outstanding Workout App Review
Fitness is an essential part of my life. For me it’s more than the physical aspect of building muscle and taking care of my health. Working out is my therapy. I have clarity and do my best thinking when pushing weight around. It is the only time I feel that I truly have to myself each day. A few years […]