• shane@countryexec.com
  • Seguin, Texas

The Simple Life Versus Career Aspirations In Rural Texas

In 2018 Mrs. Country Exec and I were fortunate to have been chosen to relocate to Seguin, TX so I could become the city’s first technology executive. Five years later with an opportunity looming to promote into a similar role for a much larger city, we chose to stay in our community. As someone that has been aspirational for the […]

Life Goals And The Professional Satisfaction Derived

I’ve been a hard charger most of my life. I’m blue collar to my core, and have always been a roll up my sleeves and get after it kind of guy. It’s ironic this mindset led to a white collar career. You’ll never convince me a blue collar approach doesn’t have a direct line to success for many reasons. That […]

2022 Greatest Hits And What To Expect Next Year

2022 was quite the year. Memorable in many ways, both positive and negative. It has been my most challenging year to date as an executive, forcing me to grow as a person and as a leader. It’s a good thing. Quite honestly I needed it. Looking back I think I was a bit rigid in my ways. Maybe too confident […]

The Best Value From Knowing Who You Are In Life

Knowing who you are. Accepting it, operating within the constructs of what that means. Staying true to yourself. Knowing who you are in life is a low key superpower. Many times on this site I’ve stated that I was always that guy from small town Texas regardless of where the journey that has comprised my life took me. I always […]

Country IT 2022: Revisiting A New Mindset For Technology Success

2022 has been a whirlwind, actually a little crazy I’d say. The days have piled onto one another leading to weeks and months passing by. Cautiousness around spending of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding delayed several technology initiatives for my organization that we would have typically jumped on much sooner. That said I wanted to follow up on […]

Why It’s Better To Not Major In Minor Things

Don’t major in minor things. It’s another one of a seemingly endless number of countrified cliches I have in my arsenal. One of those quips I’ll say to anyone. In other words, control what you can control. Don’t worry about the small stuff. Things have a way of working themselves out. Obsessing over aspects that are likely to yield minimal […]

How To Listen When Life Tells You It’s Time To Move On

Sometimes you just have to listen to what your heart is telling you. Perhaps it’s that something inside of you churning, motivating you to apply for that opportunity that maybe you don’t think you’re quite ready for. Maybe it’s that project around the house you kinda sorta think you can do, but are hesitant to give it a go. If you’re anything like me then your mind […]

Reasons To Value What Is In Front Of You

Earlier this month a person very dear to my life passed. My grandmother finally received her much-deserved peace for a life well lived. I found myself taking short notice bereavement, working for the great organization I do they were of course more than supportive. My adopted hometown is some three hundred miles to my actual hometown in the East Texas […]

How To Empower The Mind To Boost Productivity

The power of the mind is an aspect of life I marvel at. What is it about our minds that has the ability to propel us forward? To be decisive for one action over another. To accept what is thrown our way in life versus refusing to endure the status quo. Dictate change over one’s circumstance. Something is going on in each of our minds that […]

Consistency Is King For Launching Proven Life Success

Consistency is king. If I had to sum up life in three words that would be a strong choice. I can equate it to showing up every day. Bringing your “A” game in the pursued aspects of life. Knocking those classes out assignment by assignment class after class until you’ve reached your end goal. When you put forth the effort to be prepared to the best of your ability for that […]